Open Source. Simple. Extensible.
Maestro plug-ins provide out-of-the-box support for over 40 leading tools and environments supporting Agile Development, Continuous Integration, Release Management, and Application Deployment.
All Maestro plug-ins are free, open source, and available at . Plug-ins can also be created for custom in-house tools and technologies.
Defined within the plug-in are Maestro tasks; pre-built actions that are added to a workflow with one click! Save tasks with custom values for easy re-use across teams and projects, simplifying use of common configurations. Tasks protect security and account credentials so that users have one-click access to resources, reducing the risk of credential-sprawl and enabling instant availability of resources!
Apache Ant
The Ant plug-in executes Ant tasks in the context of a Maestro Composition.
Execute Apica load tests.
Archive Utility
This Maestro task creates .zip and .tar gz archives.
Amazon EC2
Create, destroy, and keep track of instances on Amazon EC2.
Execute builds using Atlassian Bamboo.
Plug-in for working with CollabNet Team Forge within Maven and Maestro.
Apache Continuum
Execute builds using Apache Continuum.
Run Cucumber tests.
Send email notification of system events, tasks results, environment values, and workflow process status. When Compositions pause for a human approval, email required action choices.
Send custom, task-specific, contextual notifications to the Flowdock collaboration tool.
Provision vm instances with Amazon AWS, Cloudstack, Google Compute Engine, InstantServers, Joyent, Openstack, Terremark, VMWare vSphere, and others.
The Fork task triggers another Composition to run in parallel to, or in sequence after, the initiating Composition.
Fork Multiple
Kick off multiple Compositions to run in parallel or in sequence, and which run to completion, or which join back up to the initiating Composition for subsequent (dependent) Tasks.
Clone, branch, and tag Git repositories, and other Git commands.
This task allows a Composition to create a new Git repository managed by a Gitblit server.
HTTP Utils
Ping a webserver at a specified context path. Various HTTP utility tasks.
Google Compute Engine
Provision instances on GCE.
Provision and deprovision servers on InstantServers cloud, and also deprovision all servers started in a previous provision Task.
IRC client logging, notification, and confirmation.
Run a set of steps in Jenkins. Sync or get data from the latest build for a particular job.
Issue tracking with Atlassian JIRA. Create new issues, and transition issues to a new state.
Join one or more Compositions back into the Composition that initiated the Fork task. Control single or multiple success requirements in order to proceed.
Provision and deprovision servers on Joyent cloud. Deprovision all instances from a previous provision Task.
Execute Maven tasks.
Provision and deprovision servers on OpenStack cloud. Deprovision all instances from a previous provision Task.
Open & edit files, sync, submit a changelist, and apply a label to Perforce repositories.
Multiple integration points for Puppet and Puppet Enterprise.
Run Puppet scripts on a select number of agents. Publish modules to the Puppet Forge.
Find servers on Rackspace and add their IDs and IPs to the context of a Composition. Update a server. Provision and deprovision servers.
Execute Rake tasks.
Manage a specific resource on a server; Delet, Get, Post, Put.
Deep integration with the RightScale platform: execute a RightScript, define a server, start and stop servers & deployments, and wait for a server state.
Amazon Route 53
Create a new DNS entry, and modify existing entries in Amazon Web Services Route 53.
Build an RPM package. Create an RPM repository from packages.
Run RSpec commands at the specified path.
Schedule a single Composition to excecute.
Schedule Multiple
Schedule multiple Compositions to execute.
SCP Download
Copy a file from a remote server using SCP.
SCP Upload
Copy a file to a remote server using SCP.
Shell Execute
Run batch or shell commands under Linux, Windows or Mac OS X.
Send an sms message.
Fetch Sonar code quality metrics.
Run shell commands via SSH.
Checkout a Subversion repository. Copy a Subversion folder from source to destination.
Deploy a web application to Tomcat with a given context.
Provision and deprovision servers with VMWare vSphere. Deprovision all servers started in a previous provision Task.
Wait for a specified number of seconds, and then continue.
Download Snapshot Artifact
Download the latest snapshot from a Maven artifact repository using wget.
Custom Plugins for other Tools or Services
Create your own Maestro plugins using Ruby or Java. Creating plugins is incredibly simple, as Maestro does all the heavy lifting for managing the workflow, orchestration, and aggregating the results. The possibilities for integrating new tools into your Maestro environment are endless!